
HowtoInstallaHardDriveinYourDesktopPCStep1:OpenSidePanelofYourPCCase....Step2:LocatetheHardDriveMount....Step3:PlugInSATACableinHardDrive....Step4:PlugInSATACableinMotherboard....Step5:ConfirmIfHDDWasIns,Aharddriveisinstalledinafixeddrivebayeitherbyslidingthedriveintothebayandsecuringitbyinsertingscrewsthroughthechassisandintothe ...,InstallaHardDriveinaPC·Step1:Materials·Step2:PrepareComputer...

How to Install Hard Drive (HDD) in Your Desktop PC

How to Install a Hard Drive in Your Desktop PCStep 1: Open Side Panel of Your PC Case. ... Step 2: Locate the Hard Drive Mount. ... Step 3: Plug In SATA Cable in Hard Drive. ... Step 4: Plug In SATA Cable in Motherboard. ... Step 5: Confirm If HDD Was Ins

Installing a Hard Drive

A hard drive is installed in a fixed drive bay either by sliding the drive into the bay and securing it by inserting screws through the chassis and into the ...

Install a Hard Drive in a PC

Install a Hard Drive in a PC · Step 1: Materials · Step 2: Prepare Computer · Step 3: Connect Hard Drive to Computer · Step 4: Find a Space in Computer Case.

How to install a hard drive in your computer

2021年4月5日 — In the BIOS, go to the standard System Settings menu or the Integrated Peripherals > SATA menu to see all of the drives installed in the system.

Installing the Hard Disk Drive

Installing the Hard Disk Drive. 1. Removing the screws on the side. 2. Push the top housing forward, then lift it up. 3. Insert the HDD to HDD tray. Please ...

How to Install a Hard Drive

6. Disconnect the SATA cable and power supply cable from the old hard drive. 7. Remove any screws or the special enclosure holding the old hard drive in place.

Installing a hard disk drive

Firmly hold the handle of the hard disk drive and insert the drive into the slot. Follow these tips when installing a hard disk drive ...